In this section:
Amazing pupil results! We are particularly proud of our pupils who conti...
The School is required to provide you with the following information:
The above information is contained within the Contact Us page, the Governors page and in About - Our Visions and Ethos
The school is required to make available our policies. School specific policies can be found on our Policies page and Trust wide policies can be found on the Symphony Learning Trust website.
The Admissions page provides the catchment map and Admissions Policies. The Exclusions Policy can be found on the Symphony Learning Trust website under Statutory policies.
We have a Special Educational Needs (SEN) page which includes our SEN Local Offer.
English as an Additional Language (EAL) – to allow children and their families who struggle to access the curriculum through a language, and possibly cultural barrier, we will identify individual needs and implement changes to help all pupils feel safe and happy so that they develop their knowledge and understanding rapidly and achieve as well as their peers;
Further details about our Curriculum can be found here
Copies of inspection reports and performance data will be published and made available to parents/carers of all registered pupils.
Pupil’s progress and attainment will be communicated to parents/carers by two pupil progress meetings per annum and an end of year written report. The school's performance will be published on the website each year.
The school’s main form of communication with parents will be via an app (Weduc) or by email.
Printed copies of any documentation can be requested from the school office. Any reasonable request for information will be considered.
Ashby Hastings Primary School
Headteacher: Rachel Mckeown
School Lane
Ashby de la Zouch
LE65 2AX
01530 442480
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