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Amazing pupil results! We are particularly proud of our pupils who conti...
To see our Anti-Bullying and Behaviour policies, click this link to our Policies page and search under both Statutory and Optional Policies.
At Ashby Hastings, we pride ourselves on our strong ethos of zero tolerance of bullying in any format, be that physical, hate, racism, sexism, homophobic, emotional or cyber bullying. Unfortunately, we are aware that bullying exists in every aspect of society.
At Ashby Hastings, when any instances arise, it will be the speed and effectiveness in stopping any bullying and reassring the victim/s which is of key importance.
We will hold an anti-bullying week each year with a different focus and regular PSHE work and assemblies reiterate our message of S.T.O.P. (meaning 'Several Times On Purpose' and 'Start Telling Other People')
Anti-Bullying information and advice:
Ashby Hastings Primary School
Headteacher: Rachel Mckeown
School Lane
Ashby de la Zouch
LE65 2AX
01530 442480
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